Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Traditional dishes

The Kyrgyz diet reflects the traditional nomadic life of the Kyrgyz people. Food emphasizes meat, mainly mutton, with comparatively little in vegetable and fruit- However, through centuries of contact, forced and otherwise, with other Asian cultures and through years of cohabitation with Russians, the Kyrgyz have substan­tially augmented their cuisine. Most eating establishments offer lagman, plov, shorpo, shashlik, manti as core of its menu, with chai (tea) and lepyoshka. The selection can get monotonous but at least you know what to expect. Unless the menu states otherwise, the meat of choice is mutton.

Cite: http://www.bishkek.loveme.com/kyrgyzstan_culture.shtml

Woooo Kyrgyz food~~ I once tasted. Below the picture, those were what I had. I can't remember the name of the dishes bu still remember the taste. The noodle with beef, it tastes like what we call "Janchi noodle" (잔치국수). However it was a bit more oily but still tasty. Desserts, in my opinion, dry yogurt was not my type, I couldn't swallow..... But the one yellowy cookies were seriously delicious. I kept eating the cookies. I recommand you to have noodle with the yellowy cookies not dry yogurt :)

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