Monday, November 25, 2013

Kyrgyzstan Bazaars

There are three main Bazaar in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. First one is Osh Bazaar, second one is Dordoy Bazaar and the last one is Karakol.

Osh Bazaar is the most vibrant and fascinating palce to immerse in the local cultyre. They have everything so if you visit there, many tourists recommen here to buy souveniers.

The Dordoy Bazaar is a major shopping center. They sell goods form China and Europe.

The Karakol market opens only on Sundays so careful when you visit here. This is the market most famous and colorful horse market in Central Asia. You can find livestock of all kinds; sheep, pig, cattle ets.

Among them, I would like to visit Osh Bazaar because I think here is the most traditional one and I think I can find traditional souveniers for my family and friends.

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