Monday, November 25, 2013

Kyrgyzstan Weddings

Kyrgyzstan Weddings In Kyrgyzstan the ancient practice of "bride kidnapping" is now prohibited by law. Of course, now some of these abductions are staged, either for romantic reasons or by couples who would otherwise face family opposition! The majority of Kyrgyz weddings, however, take place through matchmaking arrangements between the parents of the bride and groom. And, nowadays, many young people - especially in the cities - prefer to get to know each other first by "going out" together and thus have a more active role in the decision of who they will marry.


When I first hear the word " bride kidnapping", I thought it is so disgusing. How could be a bride kidnapped???
In my mind, the marriage should be with one man and one woman who love each other.
Actually, these days the bride kidnapping is prohibitd thankfully, many people get marry whom they love. I think bride kidnapping should be prohibited forever.

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