Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Recent Magazine

This is a recent megazine In Kyrgyzstan!!. I got this from Isa Omurkulov's facebook. As you can see his picture is on the first page. This is published on 4th December 2013 :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Do you like to eat "Walnut"?

From 26th November, You can enjoy Kyrgy's walnut in Korea. E-mart one of the largest market in Korea, they decided to sell walnut from Kyrgyzstan.
It costs 9680 won 400g

Kyrgyzstan is very famous for walnut so why dont you try!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ylvis Episode

Do you know Ylvis?? They are Norwegian brothers and TV tag-team Ylvis,  They have created a stir among Kyrgyz Internet users with their song “Zhanym” (“dear”, or “my soul” translated from Kyrgyz). The two brothers, comedians and musicians Bard and Vegard Ylvisakers visited Kyrgyzstan last summer to record a song in a mixture of Russian and Kyrgyz, which they later released and performed in Norway. The lyrics of the original “Zhanym” were fairly innocuous, but their decision to perform an “explicit” version of the song for a Norwegian TV channel provoked a mixed reaction from local Internet
Cite : http://globalvoicesonline.org/2013/06/06/norwegian-duos-kyrgyz-pop-hit-strikes-a-sharp-note/

Traditional dishes

The Kyrgyz diet reflects the traditional nomadic life of the Kyrgyz people. Food emphasizes meat, mainly mutton, with comparatively little in vegetable and fruit- However, through centuries of contact, forced and otherwise, with other Asian cultures and through years of cohabitation with Russians, the Kyrgyz have substan­tially augmented their cuisine. Most eating establishments offer lagman, plov, shorpo, shashlik, manti as core of its menu, with chai (tea) and lepyoshka. The selection can get monotonous but at least you know what to expect. Unless the menu states otherwise, the meat of choice is mutton.

Cite: http://www.bishkek.loveme.com/kyrgyzstan_culture.shtml

Woooo Kyrgyz food~~ I once tasted. Below the picture, those were what I had. I can't remember the name of the dishes bu still remember the taste. The noodle with beef, it tastes like what we call "Janchi noodle" (잔치국수). However it was a bit more oily but still tasty. Desserts, in my opinion, dry yogurt was not my type, I couldn't swallow..... But the one yellowy cookies were seriously delicious. I kept eating the cookies. I recommand you to have noodle with the yellowy cookies not dry yogurt :)

Traditional customs

Kyrgyz clothes are characterised by many definite features, typical for the clothes of nomadic people. That can be explained by their historical mode of life, related to nomadic cattle breeding. Also very large mark on the character of clothes left the mountain climate with its temperature excursions. This required to have different kinds of warm clothes, sometimes used even in summer time, such us wool robes or sheepskin coats. Very widely were used clothes made of wool burlap, or fells of domestic or wild animals. In 18-19 centuries, the Kyrgyzes made most of their clothes from the fabrics imported from China and other Central Asian Khanates, they also wore imported clothes and footwear. In the north Kyrgyzstan were imported the fabrics from Russia (chintz, calico, muslin, nankeen etc.) Basic type of the clothes and its cut were spread everywhere.

Cite : http://www.bishkek.loveme.com/kyrgyzstan_culture.shtml

kyrgyzstan's traditional clothes are really beautiful. The customs make people look liek angels. I tried once there customs. It was really beautiful however a bit heavy. To weat the customs, I need to wear 6 inner pieces. Compared to Korean tradiional cusoms, it has 4 more inner clothes. Also the hat, I wore the triangle one, it is quite heavy and big.  I heard these days the customs become more simplify.
It was a great experience for me to were the customs. If you visit Kyrgyzstan, why don't you try?

Kyrgyzstan anthem

{Kyrgy version] Ак мөңгүлүү аскар тоолор, талаалар, Элибиздин жаны менен барабар. Сансыз кылым Ала-Тоосун мекендеп, Сактап келди биздин ата-бабалар. Алгалай бер, кыргыз эл, Азаттыктын жолунда. Өркүндөй бер, өсө бер, Өз тагдырың колунда. Аткарылып элдин үмүт, тилеги, Желбиреди эркиндиктин желеги. Бизге жеткен ата салтын, мурасын, Ыйык сактап урпактарга берели. Алгалай бер, кыргыз эл, Азаттыктын жолунда. Өркүндөй бер, өсө бер, Өз тагдырың колунда.

 [English Version] High mountains, valleys and fields Are our native, holy land. Our fathers lived amidst the Ala-Too, Always saving their motherland. Come on, Kyrgyz people, Come on to freedom! Stand up and flourish! Create your fortune! Dreams of the people came true, And the flag of liberty is over us. The heritage of our fathers we will Pass to our sons for the benefit of people. Come on, Kyrgyz people, Come on to freedom! Stand up and flourish! Create your fortune!
Cite: http://www.nationalanthems.me/kyrgyzstan-kyrgyz-respublikasynyn-mamlekettik-gimni/

Monday, November 25, 2013

Kyrgyzstan's Golden Eagle Hunters

Eagle Huynting is a traditional festival in Kyrgyzstan.
I have never heard of it before.
From the sky, the golden eagle is one of the most lethal hunters on the planet.
On the ground, in the rugged mountains of Kyrgyzstan, it seemed that grown men and young boys everywhere had a raptor on his arm, his shoulder or, sometimes, his head. But these eagles are not pets. They are hunting partners, the eagles earn enough money to support entire communities, and they are considered part of Kyrgyz families.